Travelling itself is so beneficial to all of us, for the simple reason that it expands our horizon and allows a break from our mechanical life. It does not necessarily be an elaborate holiday, two days outing to a nearby hill station or a city can cheer you up for next few months to come.
Full control on the itinerary: When you are on your own, you have the opportunity to plan your own itinerary or design your own route and the places that you would like to visit. Whereas, when we travel with others, we tend to compromise to address everyone’s choices. Most importantly, you can instantly change in plans and make quick decisions and move on when you are alone. In a group taking decision can bring in conflict of interest for the simplest reason. It can be as simple as deciding where to eat, choosing whether to rent a car or explore the city by just walking.
Boosts your confidence: It’s easier to resolve travel hiccups when you are travelling with any company. However, when you are alone, you have only yourself to blame or praise for any interruptions that you may encounter. Setting out on a trip on your own itself is a challenge, which can also mean you are beyond your comfort zone and ready to deal with any obstacles on the way. These solo expeditions help you gain valuable skills and strengthen your problem-solving skills, which turns you into a more confident person.
Meet new people and get acquainted with different cultures: When travelling by yourself you may find yourself chatting with people from different parts of the globe, they could be fellow travelers or locals. You can learn more about the place from locals than anyone else. They can guide you to those offbeat places that even google don’t know about. Being in a foreign place gives you a chance to become more sociable when you might be shy in general.
Discover your inner-self: You find yourself in a different way when you travel solo. Have you ever found yourself gazing at the mountain or the ocean and lost deep in thought? Well, I have and I feel that subtle silence tags along when I travel alone. If you listen to it carefully you will be amazed to discover yourself as a person or find answers to many questions that might have been upsetting you. Traveling solo, you will also learn what your limits are, you will open up to new ways of living. I was worried that I wouldn’t be comfortable in a multi-shared room in a hostel, but I pulled it off very well. In essence, it teaches about your own life and changes the way you look at it in a positive way.
Cost-effective: Budget is less of an issue when it comes to solo traveling, because you are in control of what you spend. You may end up spending more on accommodations since you have no one to share the expenses with. However, you can choose to stay in hostels which may come cheaper than a hotel. You can also save money in food, by avoiding the fancy restaurants and instead eat out at local eateries or local Cafés.
It is easier to manage budget for a solo traveler, although it depends on what kind of a traveler are you. For instance, I do stay in hostels but I prefer to book a private room which sometimes may cost same as a hotel room.
Become empowered: Its cliché to say solo travel makes you empowered, but it’s true. Once you complete your first solo trip, you may start feeling that there is much more in life than mediocrity. While you explore new places, navigating unknow territories, their unique culture, unknowingly you become confident and self-reliant. This process of transformation not only helps you grow as a traveler, but also as a human being which will always help you in every step of your life.
Memories for lifetime: Last but not the least, you will create memories that will last forever. I dream to make memories in every corner of the world and write a memoir of it in my favorite diary.
Have you ever gone on vacation alone? Share your experience in comments.
If you have any message/comment, please share me on email shikha@memoirsoflife.in.